Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1handle a catSummary sheet
2prepare a cat for transportationSummary sheet
3recognise the correct grooming equipment for a catSummary sheet
4carry out basic day to day grooming of a catSummary sheet
5identify basic signs of health in catsStudent completed work
6empty and clean a soiled litter traySummary sheet
7dispose of soiled litterSummary sheet
8select litter and refill a litter traySummary sheet

acquired an understanding of

9health and safety issues when working with catsStudent completed work
10the basic signs of ill health in catsStudent completed work
11the control of internal and external parasites of catsStudent completed work
12the general responsibilities of cat ownershipStudent completed work
13the cat's need for exerciseStudent completed work
14the cat's need for mental stimulationStudent completed work
15how to provide a balanced diet for a catStudent completed work
16the main reasons for neutering a catStudent completed work
17common terminology used in cat care.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 1 May 2008Level - Level One