Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1participate in a small group discussion exploring the question 'Why do young people have sex?'Summary sheet
2identify three reasons why young people choose to have sexSummary sheet
3work as a member of a team to feedback opinions to the whole classSummary sheet
4consider positive and negative reasons why young people choose to have sexSummary sheet
5identify one emotion that a young person may be feeling when they are experiencing peer pressureSummary sheet


6taking part in a role play exercise exploring peer pressureSummary sheet
7role playing at least one emotion that young people may be feeling when they are experiencing peer pressureSummary sheet
8giving two pieces of advice to other young people as part of the role playSummary sheet
9discussing the different factors involved in young people deciding to have or not have sexSummary sheet
10role-play empathy and not judging other peopleSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

11recognise the link between choices about sex and healthy self-esteemSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

12where further advice, information and guidance can be obtained regarding sex, relationships, sexual health, contraception and emotional support.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 7 February 2011Level - Pre-Entry Level