Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify at least four important features of being in a safe and supported relationshipStudent completed work
2identify at least four features of an unsafe or unsupported relationshipStudent completed work
3identify a health related factor in given situations that could be putting someone at risk and outline at least two possible options to help reduce the risk to themSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

4at least three typical signs which a person carrying an STI might showStudent completed work
5the main symptoms, effects on health and treatment of at least five STI'sStudent completed work
6at least two methods of reducing the risk of catching an STIStudent completed work
7at least two local services and organisations that work to support young peopleStudent completed work


8taking part in a simulated situation for these skills to be put into practice, eg a mixing fluids activitySummary sheet
9watching a videotaped example of a sexual health clinic consultation in 'Safer Sex: Sorted'.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 13 July 2007Level - Level One