Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1participate in a brainstorm activity about why young people have sexStudent completed work
2participate in a discussion about sex, respect and reputationSummary sheet
3participate in a discussion about what it means to have a relationshipSummary sheet
4differentiate between sexual and non-sexual relationshipsStudent completed work
5produce a creative piece of work that describes own understanding of love and relationshipsStudent completed work

acquired an understanding of

6what puberty is and the common changes in the bodyStudent completed work
7changes in emotions during pubertySummary sheet
8the importance of safe sexual practiceSummary sheet
9at least one risk associated with having sex at a young ageSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

10the law in relation to the age of consentSummary sheet
11what a sexually transmitted infection is and how to avoid them being transmittedStudent completed work
12at least three different forms of contraceptionStudent completed work
13at least three people or places to go to for information and guidance on sex and relationshipsStudent completed work


14participating in a sex and relationship education programmeSummary sheet
15watching a video addressing issues around sex and relationships.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 25 April 2012Level - Entry Level