Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1make an assessment of all the relevant dangers to self or a casualty in a given situationSummary sheet
2assess the level of consciousness of a casualtySummary sheet
3check the airway of the casualty for blockages, and perform emergency procedures to prevent chokingSummary sheet
4check signs for breathing and circulationSummary sheet
5perform Basic Life Support (BLS) on a simulated resus manikinSummary sheet
6place an unconscious casualty into a safe airway positionSummary sheet
7perform a full body assessment of an injury on an unconscious casualty that is still breathingSummary sheet
8stem bleeding using direct pressure and elevation and use an appropriate bandage to keep pressure on a wound and keep it elevatedSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

9at least one cause of a burn and one course of a scaldSummary sheet
10correct first aid treatment for burns and scaldsSummary sheet
11how to make a phone call to an identified emergency serviceSummary sheet
12how to make safe at least two potentially hazardous situations, before dealing with a casualty.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 18 July 2007Level - Level One