Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed


1observing illustrations about life in India using at least two different media, eg magazine pictures, video recording, slidesSummary sheet
2smelling at least two substances, eg spices, oils, Indian tea, related to the countrySummary sheet
3tasting at least two foods relating to the country, eg dhal, chappatiSummary sheet
4listening to at least two greetings, eg hello, good morning and goodbye used in the countrySummary sheet
5listening to at least one example of music related to the countrySummary sheet
6touching at least one artefact related to the countrySummary sheet
7co-operating with a staff partner, eg through eye contact, vocal response, reaching or grasping, during the activities related to the country.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 5 December 2006Level - Pre-Entry Level