Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1read whole numbers up to 1000 in digit formSummary sheet
2read number names of whole numbers up to 1000 Summary sheet
3record whole numbers up to 1000 in digit formSummary sheet
4record number names of whole numbers up to 1000Summary sheet
5arrange whole numbers up to 1000 in numerical orderStudent completed work
6identify hundreds, tens and units place valueSummary sheet
7count up to 100 in twos, fives and tensSummary sheet
8count up to 1000 in hundredsSummary sheet
9round whole numbers up to 1000 to the nearest 10Student completed work
10round whole numbers up to 1000 to the nearest 100Student completed work
11use numbers in two different everyday situations Summary sheet
12decide when to use addition in at least two different practical situationsSummary sheet
13decide when to use subtraction in at least two different practical situationsSummary sheet
14decide when to use subtraction and addition in at least two different situations.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 19 September 2016Level - Entry Level