Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed


1taking part in a discussion about own lifestyle and potential healthy lifestyles and choicesSummary sheet
2keeping a diary for one week of own current lifestyle and daily activitiesStudent completed work
3writing an evaluation of the impact of own lifestyle on self-esteem and valuesStudent completed work
4using research methods such as ICT and leaflets to identify one future potential lifestyleStudent completed work


5complete a worksheet and design a poster to identify own current lifestyle and choicesStudent completed work
6design a questionnaire to ask three other people about their lifestyle choices and valuesStudent completed work
7provide written or visual evidence to explain the meaning of self-esteem and valuesStudent completed work
8explore, using thought-showers, how lifestyle choice impacts on self-esteem and valuesStudent completed work

shown knowledge of

9different lifestyle choices, such as homelessness, relationships and how these impact on self-esteemSummary sheet
10at least one future potential lifestyle, for instance relating to health/career.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 22 January 2010Level - Level One