Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify five hazards associated with an adventure activityStudent completed work
2identify the difference between a hazard and a riskStudent completed work
3identify an associated risk for each of the hazardsStudent completed work
4identify at least two groups of people who are at risk from these hazardsStudent completed work
5identify at least two measures to reduce the risk for each of these hazardsStudent completed work
6use one item of personal protective equipment associated with four different adventure activities correctlySummary sheet
7use correct handling and lifting techniques where appropriate during the four adventure activitiesSummary sheet
8take on a responsible role on at least one occasion within the group for managing riskSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

9the names of two items of group safety equipment and the purpose of each itemSummary sheet
10one item of personal, protective equipment for each of the adventure activitiesSummary sheet
11two items of appropriate clothing required for each of the four adventure activitiesSummary sheet
12two items of inappropriate clothing for each of the four adventure activitiesSummary sheet
13how managing risk can improve personal safety in two examples of day to day lifeStudent completed work


14taking part in four different risk managed adventure activities.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 17 November 2006Level - Entry Level