Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1use appropriate non-offensive language during outdoor activitiesSummary sheet
2use supportive and encouraging language in order to support others during the outdoor activitiesSummary sheet
3express personal feelings to others both before, during and after the activitiesSummary sheet
4identify five types of non-verbal communicationSummary sheet
5give positive specific verbal feedback to other members of the groupSummary sheet
6identify orally, specific personal achievements and/or qualities about themselfSummary sheet
7listen to instructions and clarify where appropriateSummary sheet
8give clear instructions and demonstration, and clarify questions about these instructionsSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

9how different non-verbal communication can be interpreted and felt by othersSummary sheet
10how tone and style of language can be interpreted and felt by othersSummary sheet
11how environmental factors can impact on communicating with othersSummary sheet


12taking part in four different adventurous activities.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 17 November 2006Level - Entry Level