Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1lead a group during an outdoor adventure activitySummary sheet
2follow the leadership of others within the group during the activitySummary sheet
3work co-operatively with others within the group during the activitySummary sheet
4negotiate appropriate rules to be used with both fellow team members and staffSummary sheet
5list and prioritise at least five qualities which are important for successful group workSummary sheet
6evaluate own contribution to the activitySummary sheet
7evaluate another group member's contribution to the group's activitySummary sheet
8accept the trust of another group member and be trustedSummary sheet
9listen to and respect the opinions and ideas of other group membersSummary sheet
10empathise with the feelings of other group membersSummary sheet
11accept an uncharacteristic role within the group, which will contribute towards the success of the activitySummary sheet

shown knowledge of

12how a team/group work model functionsSummary sheet


13taking part in a productive review session at the end of the activitySummary sheet
14celebrating success.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 17 November 2006Level - Entry Level