Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1read a recipe or follow oral instructionsSummary sheet
2count, cut or weigh ingredients accuratelySummary sheet
3use kitchen appliances and utensils safelySummary sheet
4work in a safe, organised, hygienic mannerSummary sheet
5produce a baked dish selected from a given list, eg sweet or savoury pie, sweet or savoury pasties, spring rolls, samosas, lasagne, shepherds or cottage pie, spaghetti carbonaraSummary sheet
6present and serve the dish attractivelySummary sheet

shown knowledge of

7the main safety considerations to be taken into account when working in a kitchenSummary sheet
8at least three personal, food and kitchen hygiene considerations which should be taken into account when cookingSummary sheet
9the basic method of baking.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 18 August 2006Level - Entry Level