Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1three different types of skinStudent completed work
2the structure of the skinStudent completed work
3three functions of the skinStudent completed work
4the role of washing in skin hygieneStudent completed work
5how to protect skin from sun, dirt and harmful chemicalsStudent completed work
6at least two causes of skin cancerStudent completed work
7at least two causes and treatment of spots and acneStudent completed work
8at least two ways to make nails healthyStudent completed work
9at least two differences between good and poor nail polishStudent completed work
10at least one way to maintain your nailsStudent completed work

demonstrated the ability to

11test own skin for supplenessSummary sheet
12shape a flaky nail or unhealthy nailSummary sheet
13evaluate own skin type.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 1 May 2015Level - Level One