Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1describe in a sentence the meaning of 'responsible drinking'Student completed work
2name three situations when it is not wise to drink and explain whyStudent completed work
3list three short-term and three long-term health risks associated with drinking alcoholStudent completed work
4describe two possible penalties of being caught drinking in publicStudent completed work
5name two places of support from where you can receive help regarding drinking issuesStudent completed work

shown knowledge of

6the maximum number of units medical experts recommend that a man and a woman drink per dayStudent completed work
7how many units of alcohol are in a pint of ordinary and strong lagerStudent completed work
8how many units of alcohol are in a small glass of wineStudent completed work
9the speed at which the human body breaks down units of alcoholStudent completed work
10the UK legal limit of alcohol in the blood when drivingStudent completed work


11taking part in a group discussion about alcohol awareness.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 25 June 2012Level - Entry Level