Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1decide own personal target in Communication Key Skills within a community setting and make judgements about and record own progress towards the target, e.g. talk about matters of interest during a community based Art sessionStudent completed work
2decide own personal target in Application of Number Key Skills within a community setting and make judgements about and record own progress towards the target, e.g. organise money to make a purchase during a community based Daily Living Skills sessionStudent completed work
3decide own personal target in ICT Key Skills within a community setting and make judgements about and record own progress towards the target, e.g. demonstrate an understanding of an application of ICT to everyday living during a community based Sport sessionStudent completed work
4decide own personal target in Working with Others Key Skills within a community setting and make judgements about and record own progress towards the target, e.g. support others and use negotiation skills during a community based Careers Education and Guidance sessionStudent completed work
5decide own personal target in Problem Solving Key Skills within a community setting and make judgements about and record own progress towards the target, e.g. think through a problem and plan ways to solve it during a community based Citizenship sessionStudent completed work
6decide own personal target in Improving Own Learning Key Skills within a community setting and make judgements about and record own progress towards the target, e.g. set a target to improve independence during a community based Hobbies and Pastimes session.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 20 March 2007Level - Pre-Entry Level