Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1decide own personal target in Communication Key Skills within the context of at least one non core subject and make judgements about and record own progress towards the target, eg talk about matters of interest during a History sessionStudent completed work or photograph(s)
2decide own personal target in Application of Number Key Skills within the context of at least one non core subject and make judgements about and record own progress towards the target, eg organise money to make a purchase during a Design Technology sessionStudent completed work or photograph(s)
3decide own personal target in ICT Key Skills within the context of at least one non core subject and make judgements about and record own progress towards the target, eg demonstrate an understanding of an application of ICT to everyday living during a Design Technology sessionStudent completed work or photograph(s)
4decide own personal target in Working with Others Key Skills within the context of at least one non core subject and make judgements about and record own progress towards the target eg support others and use negotiation skills during a drama sessionStudent completed work or photograph(s)
5decide own personal target in Problem Solving Key Skills within the context of at least one non core subject and make judgements about and record own progress towards the target, eg think through a problem and plan ways to solve it during a Geography sessionStudent completed work or photograph(s)
6decide own personal target in Improving Own Learning Key Skills within the context of at least one non core subject and make judgements about and record own progress towards the target, eg set a target to improve independence in a Music session.Student completed work or photograph(s)

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 20 March 2007Level - Pre-Entry Level