Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1be a positive ambassador for JudaismSummary sheet
2plan and present a lessonStudent completed work
3present clearly and confidently in front of a groupSummary sheet
4self-reflect against a 10 point criteria and set at least two personal targetsStudent completed work
5provide at least one piece of peer feedback against the criteriaSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

6at least three features of the four main events during the life cylce of a Jew, eg birth, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, marriage, deathSummary sheet
7at least four features of two aspects of daily life in Judaism, ie Kosher food, clothingStudent completed work
8the six main features of a synagogue, eg Torah, Ark, Bima, Ner Tamid, the Ten Commandments, seatingSummary sheet
9at least four features of the three festivals in Judaism, eg Rosh Hashanah, Chanukah, PassoverSummary sheet

acquired an understanding of

10at least three activities which are appropriate for children of different agesStudent completed work
11six examples of how to make learning multi-sensory Student completed work
12how six different activities can create different energy levels within a groupStudent completed work
13how to structure a lesson, eg trigger, activities, plenariesStudent completed work
14at least three basic concepts of educational psychology and how these underpin good quality work with childrenStudent completed work


15visiting a synagogueSummary sheet and/or student completed work
16participating in at least two activities suitable for teaching, eg art, music, games, drama, question and answer sessionsSummary sheet and/or student completed work
17delivering a simulated lesson.Summary sheet and/or student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 20 September 2016Level - Level Three