Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1adopt appropriate personal hygiene measures prior to food preparation, eg tie back long hair, wash hands, wear apronSummary sheet
2prepare the kitchen surfaces prior to food preparationSummary sheet
3check the date mark on at least four different food types, eg a frozen food, a tinned food, a fresh product, a ready mealSummary sheet
4check the temperature of a refrigeratorSummary sheet
5check the contents of a refrigerator to ensure items have been placed in the appropriate areasSummary sheet
6identify at least five bad hygiene practices in the kitchenSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

7three situations where it is essential to wash hands before handling foodSummary sheet
8the difference between 'use by' and 'best before' datesSummary sheet
9the reason why colour-coded chopping boards are used for different foodsSummary sheet
10the appropriate kitchen areas for storing foods, eg cuboard, refrigerator, freezerSummary sheet
11the correct areas of the refrigerator for storing the following foods: raw meat, cooked meat, dairy produce, vegetables, fishSummary sheet
12the four conditions needed for microbes to reproduceSummary sheet
13at least two ways food poisoning can be avoidedSummary sheet


14preparing a meal using appropriate basic food hygiene techniques.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 25 May 2016Level - Entry Level