Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1research current fabric bags using a mood boardStudent completed work
2choose a suitable bag that s/he would like to customiseSummary sheet
3plan a design to customise the bag, taking design, colour and texture into account, with support from the workshop tutor where necessaryStudent completed work
4discuss own design with tutor, indicating colour, textiles, fabrics, trims or accessories to be used in the construction of the customised bagSummary sheet
5share ideas with other students and the tutor about own design, explaining why the specific design, colour, textiles, fabrics, trims or accessories have been chosenSummary sheet
6sew the bag by machineSummary sheet
7create the design features on the selected bagPhotograph(s)

shown knowledge of

8two materials, textiles and accessories that can be used to customise bagSummary sheet
9three different methods of creating a customised bag, eg using a machine, using glue or fabric paintSummary sheet


10sharing ideas about creating a customised bag with other students and the tutorSummary sheet
11research current bag trendsSummary sheet
12illustrating own customised bagSummary sheet
13constructing own customised bag.Photograph(s)

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 25 May 2016Level - Level Two