Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify three areas that effect communicationStudent completed work
2identify the four main principles of Neuro LinguisticProgramming (NLP)Student completed work
3identify the three main eye accessing cuesStudent completed work
4identify two benefits of being able to identify the three main eye accessing cuesStudent completed work

shown knowledge of

5at least one example of how to implement eye accessing cues in one to one workStudent completed work
6at least two examples of what language to use if a person was in a visual mode of communicationStudent completed work
7at least two examples of what language to use if a person was in a Kinaesthetic mode of communicationStudent completed work
8at least two examples of what language to use if a person was in a auditory mode of communicationStudent completed work


9take part in delivering an activity with a group of carers using eye accessing cuesSummary sheet
10deliver a one to one interview with an individual carer using eye accessing cues and the four main principles of NLP.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 3 May 2016Level - Level Two