Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1amount of weight gain that is considered healthy during pregnancySummary sheet
2at least one danger of low and high weight gain in pregnancySummary sheet
3at least three foods to avoid during pregnancySummary sheet
4at least three foods to eat more of during pregnancySummary sheet

acquired an understanding of

5the importance of food safety during pregnancySummary sheet
6the importance of taking nutrition supplements during pregnancySummary sheet


7making a meal with the optimum nutrition for mum and babySummary sheet
8taking part in a disscussion about lifestyle factors that may pose a risk on pregnancy including safe exercise, (passive) smoking, alcohol, attending appointmentsSummary sheet
9taking part in a discussion about the importance of maintaining caloric intake despite morning sickness or loss of appetite.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 3 May 2016Level - Entry Level