Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1highlight the need to have a special event at a youth club, as part of a group discussion, eg sleepover, cookery evening, health and fitness eventSummary sheet
2meet with a youth worker to plan and structure the special event session, as part of a group activitySummary sheet
3work as group in order to negotiate and allocate roles and responsibilities for working team members to commit and deliver to for the course of the eventSummary sheet
4as part of a working team, draw up a list of necessary resources for the event, in a cost effective format acceptable to a youth workerSummary sheet
5work as a group in order to help to create and circulate appropriate publicity for the event, eg poster, flier, invitationSummary sheet
6work as a group in order to help to resource and purchase all appropriate facilities necessary in order to make the event a successSummary sheet
7work as part of a team in order to prepare for and set up the eventSummary sheet
8work as part of a team to tidy up after the eventSummary sheet
9take active part in a debriefing and evaluation discussion with a youth worker as part of a group activity after the eventSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

10appropriate health and safety issues associated with organising and running a event involving peers and invited guests in a youth club settingSummary sheet


11taking active part in organising, running and participating in a special event at a youth club.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 28 June 2006Level - Entry Level