Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1collect own toiletry bagSummary sheet
2take out shampoo, conditioner, shower gel and body puffSummary sheet
3turn on the shower to the correct temperatureSummary sheet
4wet hairSummary sheet
5apply the correct amount of shampoo to the wet hairSummary sheet
6massage the shampoo into the hairSummary sheet
7rinse out all of the shampooSummary sheet
8apply the correct amount of conditionerSummary sheet
9massage through the hairSummary sheet
10rinse out the conditionerSummary sheet
11wet the body puff, add the correct amount of shower gel and lather upSummary sheet
12wash body with body puffSummary sheet
13rinse bodySummary sheet
14turn off shower and put equipment back in the toiletry bagSummary sheet


15taking part in group discussion relating to items that they need to take into the shower in order to wash own hair and body.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 11 March 2016Level - Pre-Entry Level