Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1participate in a group discussion about why a healthy diet is importantSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

2the functions of at least two nutrientsSummary sheet
3four main dietary goals, eg eat less fat, less sugar, more fibre and why these are importantSummary sheet
4the importance of eating at least five pieces of fruit and vegetables each daySummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

5recognise at least two ways in which own diet may be modified Summary sheet
6follow instructions to prepare a quick, healthy dish, using given ingredients that can be acquired with a small budgetSummary sheet
7participate in a group discussion about how to shop for healthy foods within a limited budget, eg buy one get one freeSummary sheet

acquired an understanding of

8the fact that healthy foods can be cheap and purchased with a limited budgetSummary sheet
9the fact that some healthy dishes can be quick and simple to prepareSummary sheet
10the importance of hygiene when preparing food.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 16 February 2016Level - Entry Level