Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify potentially dangerous situations in at least four areas of a homeStudent completed work or summary sheet
2identify at least four causes of fire and suggest preventative methods for eachStudent completed work or summary sheet
3identify at least three causes of electrocution and suggest preventative methods for eachStudent completed work or summary sheet
4identify a safe way of dealing with callers at the doorStudent completed work or summary sheet
5identify a minimum of six hazards and describe the associated risk to health in at least three different pictorial settings, eg in the garden, in the kitchen, at a place of workStudent completed work or summary sheet
6produce a plan to evacuate own property in case of a fireStudent completed work or summary sheet

shown knowledge of

7at least four home safety measures, eg annual gas appliance checks, smoke alarmStudent completed work or summary sheet
8the emergency action to be taken in the event of each of the following: a fire (including chip pan fire), gas leaks, electrocution and burglaryStudent completed work or summary sheet


9participating in a discussion on home safety.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 14 December 2015Level - Level Two