Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1warm up correctly before a climbing sessionSummary sheet
2fit at least two types of climbing harness and helmetSummary sheet
3connect to a climbing rope by two different methods, eg for preparing to climb and for preparing to belaySummary sheet
4use the correct method to belay with a belay 'plate'Summary sheet
5hold a fall on a top rope using a belay 'plate'Summary sheet
6assist a climber through verbal instructionsSummary sheet
7climb by transferring own body weight from one foot to the otherSummary sheet
8communicate clearly appropriate climbing instructionsSummary sheet
9coil a ropeSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

10the names of at least two pieces of personal protective equipment, eg harness and helmetSummary sheet
11the names of at least three pieces of generic protective equipment, eg rope, karibiner, slingSummary sheet
12at least three different climbing techniquesSummary sheet
13at least two different knots used in climbingSummary sheet


14climbing on a graded route.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 6 October 2005Level - Entry Level