Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1take instruction from the session leader as to the format of the dance sessionSummary sheet
2take part in a warm up session before dancingSummary sheet
3put together and develop an original idea through dance choreography, with assistance where necessarySummary sheet
4show awareness of and correctly interpret rhythm and timeSummary sheet
5practise own dance routine, with and without musicSummary sheet
6show appropriate control of own body whilst dancing to music, ie in terms of balance, spatial awareness and formSummary sheet
7fit own dance routine to a musical accompanimentSummary sheet
8perform own dance routine, with musical accompaniment, to an audienceSummary sheet
9take part in a cool down session at the end of a dance sessionSummary sheet


10performing own original dance piece to music in front of an audience.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 6 December 2005Level - Entry Level