Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify on the world's plate boundaries at least one location where earthquakes are likely, and one location where volcanoes are likelySummary sheet
2explain why volcanoes are found at constructive plate boundariesSummary sheet
3explain why earthquakes are found at destructive plate boundariesSummary sheet
4identify the main features of a volcano, ie vent/pipe, crater, layers of ash and lava, magma chamberSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

5at least two benefits to people living close to volcanoesSummary sheet
6a case study of one example of an earthquake or volcanic eruption, including at least two effects and at least one responseSummary sheet
7one reason why the earthquake or volcanic eruption occurredSummary sheet
8at least two ways in which volcanoes can be monitoredSummary sheet


9recognising features and extracting information, as appropriateSummary sheet
10participating in an online learning environment to learn about using appropriate geographical vocabulary relevant to 'earthquakes and volcanoes'.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 11 December 2015Level - Entry Level