Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

shown knowledge of

1the meaning of the terms 'personal budgeting', 'priority and non priority debt' and 'fixed and variable expenditure'Tutor/trainer itemised checklist
2at least two reasons why personal budgeting is importantTutor/trainer itemised checklist
3at least two reasons why a savings plan should be incorporated into a personal budgetTutor/trainer itemised checklist
4at least three different forms of incomeTutor/trainer itemised checklist

demonstrated the ability to

5use a given case study to create a personal budget of expenditureStudent produced personal budget
6identify at least two differences between a fixed and variable expenseTutor/trainer itemised checklist
7identify at least two ways of keeping financial recordsTutor/trainer itemised checklist
8identify two ways to reduce expenditure and/or maximise incomeTutor/trainer itemised checklist
9identify one source of financial help for personal budgeting, eg credit union.Tutor/trainer checklist

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 11 March 2013Level - Entry Level