Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1take instruction from the session worker as to the format of the drug and alcohol workshopSummary sheet
2become aware of the effects of using and misusing at least three different drugs, from a given selectionSummary sheet
3take part in a group discussion to identify and categorise a series of given Class A, B, C, restricted and unrestricted drugsSummary sheet
4participate actively in at least two workshop games, eg simulated inebriation, health risk game, legal and illegal drugs gameSummary sheet
5participate actively in on-going group discussionSummary sheet
6listen to and be respectful of the opinions of other group memebersSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

7the difference between legal and illegal drugs, ie prescribed medication and recreational drugsSummary sheet
8at least three effects of alcohol misuseSummary sheet
9at least two dangers of altered perception statesSummary sheet

acquired an understanding of

10at least two effects and at least two risks of at least four of the most commonly used drugs, eg alcohol, tobacco, cannabis, solventsSummary sheet
11the legal status of at least four of the most commonly used drugs in the United KingdomSummary sheet
12the possible consequences of possession and supply of controlled substances.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 16 October 2006Level - Level One