Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1listen to instructions from a youth worker as to the reasoning behind the project, ie that hedges and wind brakes are planted in order to enable wildlife to re-establish in the countryside, and why the hedges and wind brakes are set in particular positionsSummary sheet
2look at and identify at least four tree, plant and weed speciesSummary sheet
3choose and prepare an appropriate planting siteSummary sheet
4dig a hole deep enough to plant a given plant in, with assistance if necessarySummary sheet
5plant a given plant in the hole, with assistance if necessarySummary sheet
6water the plant inSummary sheet
7weed around the plant sufficiently in order to allow it to establishSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

8why the hedges and wind brakes need to be planted in the countryside, ie their removal has meant the disappearance of wildlife refuges, habitats and nesting placesSummary sheet
9how to plant a tree or hedge species and how to provide ongoing carePhotograph(s)


10making a planting areaSummary sheet
11digging a hole to the correct depth for plantingSummary sheet
12filling back topsoilSummary sheet
13mulchingSummary sheet
14tidying up the site on completing planting.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 10 November 2006Level - Entry Level