Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1enter the pool safelySummary sheet
2submerge head for three secondsSummary sheet
3hold a tucked floating position for a minimum of five secondsSummary sheet
4swim one width on the front using a crawl type movementSummary sheet
5swim one width on the back using a crawl type movementSummary sheet
6swim one width on the front using a breast stroke type movementSummary sheet
7swim one width on the front or back without aidSummary sheet
8maintain a floating position for a minimum of 20 secondsSummary sheet
9complete a 360 degree turn or roll without feet touching the bottomSummary sheet
10swim two widths without stopping using any stroke.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 23 February 2011Level - Pre-Entry Level