Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1create four sprites, ie a rocket, a laser, a platform and an alienSummary sheet
2create a script to control the rocket using the left and right buttonsSummary sheet
3create a script to command to shoot lasers when the spacebar is pressedSummary sheet
4create a script to move the alien down the screenSummary sheet
5create a script to make the alien disappear when hit by the laser but then re-appear at a random point at the top of the screenSummary sheet
6create a script to identify if the alien reaches the platform and hide if it doesSummary sheet
7design a space background to fill the stageSummary sheet
8create a score so that each time the alien is hit the score will increase by oneSummary sheet
9test the game.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 22 January 2015Level - Level One