Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1write the doctype declaration to declare a HTML documentSummary sheet
2write the html element using HTML codeSummary sheet
3write the head and title elements with content using HTML codeSummary sheet
4write the body, heading and paragraph elements with content, using HTML codeSummary sheet
5write the code needed to make an image element using html codeSummary sheet
6write the link element to make both images and text link to another webpage, using html codeSummary sheet
7make a table in HTML using the table, table heading, table row and table data elementsSummary sheet
8use CSS to style the table's border style, thickness and colourSummary sheet
9use CSS to change font size, style and colourSummary sheet
10use CSS to change the alignment and background colour of elementsSummary sheet
11open the software package called NotepadSummary sheet
12write all the necessary elements to pass a World Wide Web Consortium validation test in HTML codeSummary sheet
13save and print the documentStudent completed work
14open and print the web page.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 29 January 2015Level - Level One