Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1check for signs of breathing on a casualtySummary sheet
2check for signs of circulation on a casualtySummary sheet
3perform rescue breathing on a Anne ManikinSummary sheet
4perform chest compression on a Anne ManikinSummary sheet
5place a casualty in the recovery positionSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

6how to recognise the warning signs of a heart attackSummary sheet
7the early management of a heart attack casualtySummary sheet
8how to check the immediate surrounding area for signs of danger to self and to the casualtySummary sheet
9how to recognise that a casualty is unconsciousSummary sheet
10the management of an unconscious casualtySummary sheet
11how to give emergency life support to a casualty with severe bleedingSummary sheet
12how to give emergency life support to a casualty who is chokingSummary sheet


13participating in a group practical session by performing chest compressions and mouth to mouth resuscitation on a Anne Manikin, and placing a second person during role play in the recovery position.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 11 November 2004Level - Level One