Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1show a preference between two different fabrics from a selection of three or moreSummary sheet
2co-actively use at least one piece of equipment to apply textiles to paper, eg glue applicatorsSummary sheet
3explore at least two different methods for designing on fabric, eg fabric paint, markers gluing on pre-cut shapesSummary sheet
4co-actively contribute to the decoration of a given fabric container, eg pencil case, walletPhotograph(s)


5tactile exploration of at least two different types of fabricSummary sheet
6tactile exploration of at least two different types of yarns, eg wool, stringSummary sheet
7tactile exploration of at least two different types of fastenings, eg zipper, Velcro, button, toggleSummary sheet
8using at least one piece of equipment to apply textiles to textiles, eg sewing, bondaweb.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 19 April 2011Level - Pre-Entry Level