Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1participate in an audition processSummary sheet
2attend at least two audition sessionsSummary sheet
3attend all sessions punctuallySummary sheet
4approach given tasks confidently and professionallySummary sheet
5engage in given physical and vocal warm up exercisesSummary sheet
6engage in given team building exercisesSummary sheet
7listen to and follow instructionsSummary sheet
8work within a teamSummary sheet
9manage own time and work to deadlinesSummary sheet
10work with unfamiliar material in an imaginative waySummary sheet
11be open minded, flexible and responsiveSummary sheet
12receive constructive feedback from peers and arts leadersSummary sheet
13give constructive feedback to peersSummary sheet
14review and evaluate own performances and progress with an arts leaderSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

15the audition process for a part in a live productionSummary sheet

acquired an understanding of

16the importance of presenting oneself professionallySummary sheet


17participating in a rigorous audition process.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 24 September 2013Level - Entry Level