Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1name at least three different types of drug, eg illegal, legalStudent completed work
2explain own attitude towards illegal drugs and drug usersStudent completed work
3catagorise at least three drugs by type, eg stimulant, hallucinogenicStudent completed work

shown knowledge of

4at least three reasons why young people may chose to use drugsStudent completed work
5at least three illegal drugs and their corresponding street namesStudent completed work
6at least three long and three short term effects of drugs misuseStudent completed work
7the risks and effects of at least three different drugsStudent completed work
8at least two ways in which harm can be reduced to the drugs user and at least two ways in which first aid might be applied in drugs misuse-related situationsSummary sheet
9at least ten reasons for avoiding the misuse of drugsStudent completed work
10at least seven drug helping agencies a young person can call for advice on drugs misuseStudent completed work


11taking part in group activities, interactive games and discussions about drug related issues.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 1 August 2006Level - Entry Level