Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed


1working in groups to create and perform a shadow puppet storySummary sheet
2using puppetry to project thoughts and feelingsSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

3follow instructionsSummary sheet
4learn the basic facts of the history of puppetrySummary sheet
5create a shadow puppet story with other peersSummary sheet
6use fine motor skills when acting; 7 use gross motor skills when actingSummary sheet
8find solutions in order to solve problems when working with othersSummary sheet
9perform in front of othersSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

10basic puppetry skillsSummary sheet
11the importance of reflecting on his/her own experiences and that of their peers.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 19 September 2014Level - Level One