Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1take part in a discussion about the range of criminal activity often associated with young peopleSummary sheet
2identify at least one difference between the Magistrates Court, Youth Court and Crown CourtStudent completed work and/or summary sheet
3compare and contrast at least three types of criminal sentenceStudent completed work and/or summary sheet
4complete a quiz about the age at which a young person can be (a) convicted of a criminal offence (b) remanded in care to await trial (c) fingerprinted, photographed, searched or subjected to an intimate search (d) held fully responsible for a crime (e) sent to a young offenders instituteStudent completed work


5taking part in a discussion about each of the following: (a) a young person's rights if stopped and searched by the police, if held at the police station, and if arrested (b) when a person needs to declare a criminal record (c) victims of crime.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 13 August 2004Level - Entry Level