Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1take part in rock climbing activities at an indoor climbing wall on at least two separate occasionsSummary sheet
2put on a climbing harness with assistance from staff or another pupilSummary sheet
3put on a climbing helmet with assistance from staff or another pupilSummary sheet
4set their own goals, with support each time they attempt a climb, eg to climb above head height/to reach the topSummary sheet
5show progress in their climbing ability, eg through climbing higher than previous climbsSummary sheet
6descend from a climb safely by being lowered by the belayerSummary sheet
7name the equipment used in climbingSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

8the importance of listening to instructions whilst at the climbing wallSummary sheet
9the role of the belayerSummary sheet
10the safety instructions relevant to the climbing wallSummary sheet


11working as a pair with another student.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 12 January 2015Level - Entry Level