Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1play an instrumental part in the planning and delivery of smoking awareness sessions, eg by choosing areas of focus and leading ice breakersSummary sheet
2beware of the effects of smoking and reflect upon how this is best presented to young peopleSummary sheet
3practise the delivery of at least one workshop game, eg health risk gameSummary sheet
4participate actively in on-going group discussionsSummary sheet
5listen to and be respectful of the opinions of other group membersSummary sheet
6plan and deliver a smoking awareness workshop to own peersSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

7at least three effects of smokingSummary sheet
8at least two dangers of smokingSummary sheet

acquired an understanding of

9learning styles and methods for presenting information to young peopleSummary sheet
10how the use of interactive games can benefit young people in their learning.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 16 June 2014Level - Level One