Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1make a raft in conjunction with at least four other students and their kayaksSummary sheet
2use the raft to exchange places with another studentSummary sheet
3perform a stern rudderSummary sheet
4turn a kayak through 360 degrees in clockwise and anti-clockwise directions using alternate forward and reverse sweep strokesSummary sheet
5paddle backwards in a straight line for 30 metresSummary sheet
6perform an emergency stop from reverse motionSummary sheet
7perform a recovery procedure following a capsize as directed by instructorSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

8personal clothing and footwear necessary for safe kayaking in varied conditionsSummary sheet


9paddling a course of at least one kilometreSummary sheet
10preparing physically for the sessionSummary sheet
11co-operating with others in kayaking techniques.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 29 October 2004Level - Entry Level