Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed


1listening to a speech given by an experienced oratorSummary sheet
2reading the text of the speechSummary sheet
3taking part in a discussion about the speechSummary sheet
4taking part in a discussion about own speech before it has been deliveredSummary sheet
5taking part in a discussion evaluating own speech after it has been deliveredSummary sheet

demonstrated the ability to

6make a mind map of ideas for a speech to deliverStudent completed work
7identify the main ideas for the speechStudent completed work
8draft the speechStudent completed work
9reduce the speech to notesStudent completed work
10rehearse delivering the speechSummary sheet
11deliver the speech to an audienceSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

12at least three techniques used to engage an audience when making a speechSummary sheet

acquired an understanding of

13at least three principles that form the basis for a successful speech.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 9 June 2014Level - Level Two