Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1search the internet for a given subject from a well known search engine, eg googleSummary sheet
2repeat the search using quotation marks to limit the number of resultsSummary sheet
3minimise the browser window and open Microsoft WordSummary sheet
4record the number of results received from each search in a word documentSummary sheet
5restore the browser window and navigate to a page from within the search resultsSummary sheet
6copy a passage of text from the web pageSummary sheet
7paste the passage of text into the same word documentSummary sheet
8save an image from the webpage to own user areaSummary sheet
9insert the image into the word documentSummary sheet
10add a descrition of the effect of the quotation marks on the search to the word documentSummary sheet
11save and print out the word documentStudent completed work


12discussing the methods of searching the internetSummary sheet
13using the internet to find things out.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 3 April 2008Level - Entry Level