Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1orientate a map to north using landmarks and permanent fixturesSummary sheet
2orientate a map to north using a compassSummary sheet
3fold and carry a map whilst walkingSummary sheet
4use the technique of thumbing, which pin-points own position on the mapSummary sheet
5recognise the symbol for a footpath and walk along it for one kilometreSummary sheet
6recognise two land marks from their respective symbols on the mapSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

7at least two laws of the country codeSummary sheet
8at least two rights of way to walk shown on a mapSummary sheet
9at least two methods of gaining a weather forecast for the next three daysSummary sheet


10walking in at least two different environments on separate occasionsSummary sheet
11making decisions as a group leader and actively listening as a group member.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 3 April 2008Level - Entry Level