Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1put on personal protection equipment correctlySummary sheet
2get in and out of a kayak correctlySummary sheet
3use the correct paddling posture in a kayakSummary sheet
4capsize keeping a hold of the paddle and kayakSummary sheet
5lift and carry a kayak with a partnerSummary sheet
6set up foot and back restsSummary sheet
7paddle forward in a straight line for twenty five meters and stop within a kayak's lengthSummary sheet
8explain how to estimate the wind directionSummary sheet

shown knowledge of

9at least two procedures which should be followed if someone eles capsizesSummary sheet
10at least two items of clothing which should be worn when kayaking and why it is important to carry a spare setSummary sheet
11at least two practices of care for the kayak and equipment after a sessionSummary sheet


12taking part in a new and exciting water sport in at least two different locations, using new skills and techniques, under the supervision of qualified and competent teachers/instructors.Summary sheet

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 3 April 2008Level - Entry Level