Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1examine different types of commercially produced snacks, e.g. chocolate bars, muesli bars, bread products, dried fruit productsSummary sheet
2enter at least four examples into a prepared chart showing some of the positive and negative features of each product, e.g. high sugar, low fat, high roughage, low saltStudent completed work and/or Photograph(s)
3choose, from a selection, which ingredients would be most suitable to make a healthy snack productStudent completed work and/or Photograph(s)
4make (or direct another to make) a healthy snack product from prepared ingredientsStudent completed work and/or Photograph(s)
5record the opinions of a member of a target user group describing what is liked and disliked about the finished productStudent completed work and/or Photograph(s)

shown knowledge of

6at least one feature of a food product needed to make it a healthy foodStudent completed work and/or Photograph(s)
7the names of at least two utensils used to make the product.Student completed work and/or Photograph(s)

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 12 July 2006Level - Pre-Entry Level