Unit Award Scheme
In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have | Evidence needed | |
demonstrated the ability to | ||
1 | read with fluency and accuracy, reading most words on sight, eg up to 200 words including high frequency, some medium frequency and CVCC, CCVC words | Summary sheet |
2 | use appropriate strategies to decode at least 20 unfamiliar words, eg blending 'ch', 'sh', 'th', long vowel sounds, simple prefixes and suffixes, common endings such as ‘ing’, ‘ed, ‘er’, contextual clues | Summary sheet |
3 | recall at least five pieces of specific and straightforward information from texts, eg describe a character, action or event with general accuracy | Student completed work and/or summary sheet |
4 | locate the main points and information in at least two texts, eg use a contents page, find and note an important sentence | Student completed work and/or summary sheet |
5 | make at least three simple inferences and deductions sometimes supported by textual detail, eg make a prediction about characters’ feelings based on an event. | Student completed work and/or summary sheet |
All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet
Approved 24 November 2015Level - Entry Level