Unit Award Scheme


In successfully completing this unit, the Learner will have

Evidence needed

demonstrated the ability to

1identify what is meant by the term 'children with special needs'Student completed work
2identify the possible causes of cerebral palsyStudent completed work
3identify the symptoms of cystic fibrosisStudent completed work
4describe what is meant by the term 'Down's syndrome' and how this may affect a child's developmentStudent completed work
5take part in a discussion about how having a special child in the family may affect parents and siblingsStudent completed work
6describe any special problems that a gifted child may faceStudent completed work
7describe at least three ways in which a family home could be adapted for a child in a wheelchairStudent completed work
8identify at least three points to consider when taking a child in a wheelchair on a trip or a visit, eg to a football match, shopping, to a theme parkStudent completed work
9investigate how two voluntary organisations support families of children with special needsStudent completed work
10suggest at least three toys which could be suitable for children with visual impairments.Student completed work

All outcomes recorded on an AQA Summary Sheet

Approved 17 February 2011Level - Entry Level